Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are thrilled to welcome you and your little ones to our Pre-Primary Christian School family! It is with great joy and anticipation that we embark on this wonderful journey of early education together.

At our school, we believe that each child is a precious gift from God, and we are committed to nurturing their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual growth. Our dedicated team of educators is here to provide a loving and supportive environment where your children can thrive, learn, and develop a strong foundation for their future.

We encourage you to actively engage with our school community, as your involvement is invaluable to your child’s growth and success. We have an open-door policy, and we look forward to building strong partnerships with each one of you.

Throughout the year, we will offer various opportunities for you to participate in school events, parent-teacher conferences, and volunteer activities. Together, we can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where your child can flourish.           Read More

About Us

A Christian School with excellent academic programs and nurturing Christian environment.
Fruit of Hope Academy was founded in 2007

+250 785 130 664
